Dirndl Completion and Knitting Endeavors: Sewing and Craft Progress Update

Oh my god..nearly six months passed since i wrote the last blog post. I´m sorry for that. This year was/is kinda harsh and i couldn´t bring up any motivation to write anything. At least i did sew much more than last year (finally finished my Dirndl..yay!) But let´s go step by step.

I´m still in a kind of knitting craze, although much more controlled than the last years. Now i can go weeks without the urge to have to knit something. And i´m making bigger projects as well. As i have written in my last blog post, i have started a cardigan in light fingering yarn from a vintage pattern.

It is this pattern : https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/classic-cardigan-197
I had my problems with it, but i managed everything, sewed it up and it has a nice fit. BUT then i had to make the neckband aaannd i stopped working on it. In January. It still sleeps in its project bag somewhere in my bedroom. It will be finished one day…

The next knitting project i started was the Berry me Sweater by Drops (https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/250-33-berry-me-sweater). Started on February 20, finished the bodice about two weeks later….and now it waits for its sleeves…

The next knitting project i started (do you see a pattern already?) was something i always wanted to try, but was quite scared of it (because of certain techniques). A colourwork jumper! And no, not a simple colourwork jumper, an all over colourwork jumper with steeking. The pattern is from a old book, actually it is so old it is already vintage. (1983 to be precise.)

The colourwork pattern was easier than i thought, and my floats don´t look that bad actually. So there will be a bright future with many colourwork projects.

I finished the whole body and the sleeves. The next step is steeking the armholes, closing the shoulders, knitting a collar and sewing on the sleeves. Well, at the moment, it is sitting next to me and waits to be finished…

But there is also one project i finished (for mothers´ day..so it was urgent). The Arborg Tee by Sandra Buzza (Link is here: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/arborg-tee). I finished it in about two weeks!

I really like how it turned out, i think i will make it again in a different colour and for me.

After that I , of course, started a new project, because why should i finished one of the old ones? Another colourwork project, but this time an easier one – one piece in the round. I still haven´t finished it, but i´m slowly getting to the end of the body. I hope i don´t abandon it once i´m at the sleeves…Here is the link: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/missoni-accomplished

Well yeah, those are my knitting projects i have at the moment. I won´t show you my ravelry queue or other knitting plans, because at the moment they are outta control.

Sewing wise i made a lot of alterations for costumers this year. And, more important, i´m back at pattern drafting. I´m about to finish a pattern for a skirt, as well as one for a trouser. There is also one for a dress that need it´s finishing touches and a jacket. Everything is going a bit slow, but i´m happy i´m kinda back into it – mental wise and so on.

As i mentioned, i also finished my Dirndl (took me only 5-7 years…)

It has a blue print cotton skirt, a dark blue cotton bodice and a light blue apron with floral stripes. I didn´t take any pictures while making it, because i hardly knew what i was doing and learned a lot (i mean, it was my first dirndl, normally i just alter them for others). But there maybe will be a new one soon.

I hope i will be posting more regularly, still have a bit of a back log of posts.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day/week/(month) till we read again!

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