Update 08. May 2021

Hello guys!

There won´t be a blog post for this week. Mainly because this week my motivation for finishing my knitting came back hardcore! And i´m totally jumping on that train – if i wouldn´t, this pullover would take another year to be completed.
The nice thing about knitting is, that you can watch all your Youtubers/ Costubers and you are still productive.

At the moment i´m watching:

Fabel Knitwear: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdZ58jDAd1nEBPTvLmESp8Q/featured
Why not a Hat?: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB4E4iZzR2PUdxnPnsYPLYQ/featured
Tiny Angry Crafts: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbvxItprLvi483z0HwZNpcA

and a lot more…

I´m still planning on, at least, four blog posts for every month. There may be two in a week, but that always depends on my mood and my work/school and so on.
What you will see in the nearest future is another Pattern Tester Call. At the moment i´m working on a dress with varying skirts and a kind of “beach set”. For those dresses i´m also planning a hat/ fascinator that goes with them.
As i´m writing this, i´m already two Quilt Blocks behind (lol) on the Bernina Quilt Along….and i want to make an apple pillow (i found the free sewing pattern online).

I do have a lot of plans for new patterns, but i´m not yet able to draft/sew/publish one every week, but i´m working on them constantly. It is just time that annoys me…time goes by much too fast!

Maybe i will make a fabric haul post in the future? Or generally a craft haul post? Because i have soo much of it…and too many interests.

Thank you, for sticking with me and till next time!