It´s a vest, It´s a vest, made from real….

(Sorry for the pun in the title, some might get it and some don´t…but it is constantly in my head)

This month i didn´t finish a lot (still haven´t started on Christmas Knitting…but this year it is only a pair of mittens). But i did draft (or started) some new patterns, which need to be tested. And i made a bag from two pairs of old jeans. Which came out quite nice.

But first my knitting project, which i started at the end of October and finished on November 8th. The pattern is called Sleeveless Pullover, i would call it a vest (well in german we call it “Pullunder”), by Jack Frost. It is a free vintage pattern from 1951. You can get it on Ravelry, or if you don´t like Ravelry you can also get it HERE.

The yarn was the same i mentioned in my last post (and probably will mention in my next post, because right now i´m knitting mittens with it). For that vest, the yarn was perfect, that´s why i´m sure this yarn is not really a DK weight but an Worsted weight yarn. As usually i didn´t make a gauge/yarn swatch, because i never do that and most times i´m lucky…(don´t be like me, swatches are important!).

And it was quite an easy and fast knit. The front and the back are the same except the neckline, which was a first for me because i never ever tried to knit a v-neck.
The funny thing with vintage patterns (or patterns in general actually), if i “find” a mistake, i´m never sure if it is a mistake in the pattern or i did something wrong. With this pattern, i think it was in the pattern. When you are in the front – casting off sts for shoulder shaping it says = 6 sts every other row 4 times. You start with 28 sts for the first side. Knit 2 together – 27 sts. Than dec 1 sts every 4 rows 10 times – 17. I only was able to cast off 6 sts 2 times and 5 sts one time. Weirdly enough i think in the back there were enough sts.
I also tried to make the neck band three times (Instruction: taking up 57 -1 -57 sts), i couldn´t manage it, there were too many sts in my opinion,in the end i managed it with about 45/47 sts ( i was so frustrated, i didn´t write it down.)

This is the back…it looks amazing. The pattern is not a cable pattern just a variation of purl and knit stitches!
And this is the finished vest from the front.

It is cozy and it fits very nicely!
As i mentioned in my last blog post, i wasn´t (and i´m still not) really sure about the hat i knitted. I probably won´t wear it , but i don´t want to frog it as well…which is a stupid situation. I´m now knitting some easy mittens (also a vintage pattern) and then i won´t have much left of the yarn for anything else. Which is quite a nice feeling to have finally knit up (nearly) everything of that huge ball of yarn.

Did you ever have had a project where you weren´t really sure, if you should frog it or leave it?
Thanks for reading and have a nice beginning of the last month of the year (oh god)!
(The upcycle bag will get its own blog post…)

3 thoughts on “It´s a vest, It´s a vest, made from real….

  1. Well done, it is always wonderful when you recover from a set back like when you struggle with a pattern. And it only happens when you have a complicated pattern stitch, it will not happen with plain stocking stitch.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you.
      The pattern stitch actually wasn´t that difficult, i mean i sometimes made a mistake when i wasn´t focused enough, but all in all easy to remember. It is just that sometimes vintage patterns (and even new ones) have errors in them (like with the amount of shoulder sts) and/or there is a new to me technique (like the V-neck) where i just have to try and try again till i manage it…and sometimes i just don´t have enough patience and get a bit frustrated.


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